Крюинги новороссийска. «СКФ Юником (Владивосток)» обсудил работу судов в ледовых условиях Скф морская компания

SKF Group is the leading global manufacturer of bearing, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems. Services include technical support, maintenance services, condition monitoring and training.

The SKF Group

SKF was founded in 1907 and grew at a rapid rate to become a global company. As early as 1920, the company was well established in Europe, North and Latin America, Asia and Africa. Today, SKF is represented in more than 130 countries. The company has more than 100 manufacturing sites and also sales companies supported by about 15,000 distributor locations. SKF also has a widely used e-business marketplace and an efficient global distribution system.

Two divisions,

SKF does business mainly through 2 divisions: Industrial Market and Automotive Market servicing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and aftermarket customersy.

SKF operates in around 40 customer segments, whereof examples include cars and light trucks, wind energy, railway, machine tool, medical, food and beverage and paper industries.

Financial targets

SKF"s long-term financial targets are to have an operating margin level of 12%, annual sales growth in local currencies of 5% and a return on capital employed of 25%.

Research and development

Technical development, quality and marketing have been in focus at SKF since the very start. The Group"s efforts in research and development have resulted in numerous innovations, forming bases for new standards, products and solutions in the bearing world.


The Group has global certification to IS0 14001 (environmental management systems) and OHSAS 18001 (health and safety) standards. Its operations are also certified to either ISO 9001 or applicable customer industry standards, e.g. ISO/TS 16949 (automotive), AS9100 (aviation) or IRIS (railway) for quality management systems.

SKF Care

SKF defines sustainability as SKF Care, comprising Business Care, Environmental Care, Employee Care and Community Care. Within each of these four cornerstones, key focus areas and targets are defined to drive continuous performance improvement.


BeyondZero is a commitment, launched in 2005, stating that SKF is to realize business objectives in such a way that negative environmental impact is minimized, while positive impact is enhanced. BeyondZero goes beyond traditional practice of reducing negative impact by striving for an overall positive environmental impact. BeyondZero influences SKF"s development of products and solutions.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is by far the most significant greenhouse gas generated as a result of SKF"s operations. Therefore, the Group has set a target to reduce CO2 emissions by a minimum of 5% annually, irrespective of production volume.

SKF Russia

First SKF came in Russian Federation in 1914 and reopen its branch in 1991. Today there are around 200 high qualified professionals working for SKF in Russia at different locations: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver region, Yekaterenburg, Cherepovets, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-On-Don. They are engineers, sales, product specialists, customer service, production operators and logistic. More than 30 distributers serve SKF`s end-users all over Russia. A factory in Tver uses the cutting edge technology to produce CTBU and TBU for the railway industry.

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